But let patience have her perfect work, that ye may be perfect and entire, wanting nothing. James 1:4
An atmosphere with lack of patience is prone to unwanted situations. Where patience is absent, many fall in traps that result in unwanted teenage pregnancies, sickness, unhealthy habits and all manner of mischief. Some are quick to have riches using wicked ways, but scripture says, an inheritance gained hastily at the beginning, will not be blessed at the end, Prov. 20:21. This form of wealth gained by dishonesty eventually diminishes (Prov. 13:11). You must understand that Patience has work to do in making us become the best we can ever be. Do not ignore it.

The exercise of patience means there is work in progress and you shall reap the rewards. Jesus said in your patience possess your souls, Luke 21:19. Meaning by exercising patience, we are able to guard our souls and restrain our flesh from the corruption of sin. When patience is at work in us, we are able to avoid anger, tempers and fleshly desires from getting out of control. As others are overcome by criticism and lust in the flesh, the patient climate in a believer works in him to hold his peace and put his hope in the Lord.
If you are a believer in Christ, let patience, do its perfect work in you. Be faithful where God has placed you, either in your church or place of work. For scripture says, a faithful man shall abound with blessings: but he that makes haste to be rich shall not be innocent, Prov. 28:20. So don’t be rushed by anything, be it your competition, or your peers, just stay patient and God will reward you. He has set your time for promotion. Just give yourself to learning from the experiences in your situation and patience will perfect its work in you.
Patience is at work in me. I give myself to the perfect work of patience that I may lack nothing. My eyes of understanding are open that I may learn from my experiences, in Jesus name.