For we are the circumcision, which worship God in the spirit, and rejoice in Christ Jesus, and have no confidence in the flesh. Phil 3:3
To be a born again Christian is to live life by a different set of rules set by God. Many may fail to understand a born again Christian because he does not esteem the things that others take as priority.
In the opening scripture, Paul emphasizes the true position of a Christian by saying we are "the circumcision". In this, he articulates that we are of the true circumcision. This circumcision is not of the outward but of the inward. It is not of the flesh but of the spirit. It is not done by hands, but by the spirit. It is not of a one-off ritual ceremony, but of a reality, we live everyday.

As it is that in the traditional circumcision of a man, part of his flesh is cut away, in our case, we who believe in Christ have the mindset of the flesh cut away from our hearts. We no longer live life by the guidance of the flesh mentalities, but we live life by the guidance of the Spirit of God.
It is by this guidance of the Holy Spirit, that we are able to worship God in the true way. No man by himself is able to know the mind of God or the things of God except the Spirit of God be in him, (1 Cor. 2:11-12). It is by the Holy Spirit that Christians are inspired, guided and supported to render sacred service to God, not of ceremonious carnal ordinances and traditions, but of the outpouring heartfelt worship and adoration.
It the Spirit’s work to teach the believer and witness to him the ways of God. Therefore, if any one serves God without the Holy Spirit, it is as if a dog preparing dinner for his master. No matter how long that dog dwells in the house, it will not know how to make a meal and add the kind of ingredients the master wants in his meal.
However, for a born again Christian filled with the Holy Spirit, he will know exactly what the Lord requires of him, for the spirit of God in him knows the thoughts and intents of God and will be able to guide and reveal them to the believer.
For this reason, we rejoice in what Christ has done for us. He has made it possible for us to approach the presence of God and relate personally to Him by the spirit of God, Eph 2:18. By the Holy Spirit, we have known the good things God has in store for us, 1 Cor. 2:10. We no longer have confidence in the flesh (in our gender, tribe, nativity or qualifications) because the spirit has given us an excellent understanding of ourselves. We are the children of God with the true circumcision.
Therefore, be confident and rejoice in Christ, for you are more than a conqueror, a peculiar person of a royal generation. So, rejoice in what Christ has done for you.
I rejoice in what Christ has made me. I am more than a conqueror, I am of the true circumcision of the spirit, I live by the principles of the kingdom of God. I have a mindset of the Holy Spirit and have no confidence in the things of the flesh, In Jesus name, amen