Jesus came and told his disciples, “I have been given complete authority in heaven and on earth. Matthew 28:18 NLT
During his term, the chancellor of the exchequer, Mr. Osborne, adopted cuts to public financial spending that affected the way people lived in the United Kingdom. Some of the changes caused private and public financial restraints, which led to job losses as organizations aimed to marginalize to meet their spending budgets. The fact behind the situation is that whether one voted Mr. Osborne into power or not, whether one knew him or didn't, Mr Osbourne received authority to make decisions that affected everyone's life, affected your family, and affected personal incomes.
Similarly, God the father, has given Jesus Christ the Son of God, the Ultimate authority to reign over all things. His authority has no boundaries. Whether you have heard of Him or not, whether you known Him or not, whether you believe in Him or not, His Lordship authority affects your life.

In the wonderful book called the Holy Bible, Jesus said, “I have been given complete authority in heaven and on earth.” Matthew 28:18. This is parallel to what happens in United Kingdom. As her majesty, the queen of England, gives power to the head of the elected party to make a government, Jesus Christ having died for all, as a representative of all humanity, God the father, has given Him all authority over all things, John 3:35. In exercising this authority, Jesus gives life overflowing to those who believe on Him.
From the writings of the Holy Bible, it is revealed that it is Jesus’ heart desire that all humanity should have the life He offers, which is a life of joy, love and peace overflowing. This is why as one man, Jesus, died on the cross to save us all. Benefit from His authority today by accepting Him as your Lord and saviour. He will give you the peace, money cannot afford. Whatever your life is, Jesus will make a positive difference in you. It only takes a little prayer to ask His Majesty, the Lord Jesus to come into you life.
Say the prayer below to ask Jesus to come into your life. when you say it, Jesus will act on it, to help you become the best you can be in this life.
After you have said that prayer, you can join a bible believing church of your choice and grow in knowing Jesus. If you are in prison, determine to read the bible everyday that you may learn about Jesus and the Kingdom of God.
Dear Jesus, I believe in my heart you are the Son of God. I believe you died for my sins and rose again for my justification. I accept and confess you as Lord and saviour of my life. Come into my life today and fill me with your Holy Spirit. I declare am born again. In Jesus name, I pray amen.