Therefore, brethren, stand fast, and hold the traditions which ye have been taught, whether by word, or our epistle. 2 Thess. 2:15
There are problems in life that happen and make us bewildered with no answer. A car accident wipes out a family. Cancer strikes a young wife and mother. A poor managerial decision puts an eager, productive employee out of work. Rebel soldiers slaughter people huddled in a church. Some events in life make no sense at all. That is why we call them tragedies. Many time we these events destabilise believers in their faith

In today’s NT Bible reading, Paul offers no easy answers for life’s hardships. However, He does offer one piece of advice that, if followed, brings real comfort and encouragement for those who are persecuted. At the same time, he warns us of the evil in this world, in particular, of those who speak falsely for God.
In the opening scripture text, God had given gifts of infinite value to the Thessalonians. Paul urged the Thessalonians to thank God for these gifts, yet Paul also knew that they would face challenges of their belief in Christ. They would have doubts, and certain people and circumstances would encourage those doubts. Unless the Thessalonians had a firm conviction about all they had been taught, their faith would die.
So Paul urged them saying “stand firm and keep a strong grip on everything we taught you” (2 Thessalonians 2:15). They had the Scriptures and the letters that Paul had written to keep them on track in their faith. In these Paul trusted that they would find comfort, inner peace and strength to persevere in the challenges they faced.
As He did for the Thessalonians, God has given us a great gift- His Word, yet it is so easy to take this gift for granted and not use it. When we stop using His gift, we make ourselves more susceptible to falsehoods. To strengthen our faith and protect ourselves from falsehoods, we need to spend time in God’s Word everyday. If you do not spend time reading your Bible everyday, think of things you can cut from your schedule to make time for God.
If you faithfully spend time in the Word, challenge yourself to spend even more time with God. Every gift you ever want from God is in His word. Whatever happens, don't let go of your faith. Gather with brethren to encourage your self in the faith. Do whatever it takes to Hold on tight to your faith and you will be blessed. As scripture says weeping may endure for a night, but joy comes in the morning, (Ps 30:5b). You may be in the night of your faith, but hold on tight, the morning of your faith will soon show up with joy.
Dear Heavenly Father, I thank you for your word. I pray I learn to hold on to your word at all time. I pray for strength and stability during trying times. Use me to be an encouragement to others. In Jesus name, I pray. Amen.
Amen 🙏