For which cause we faint not; but though our outward man perish, yet the inward man is renewed day by day. 2 Cor. 4:16
One of the modern trends today is to look young at whatever age one may be. Many buy small and tighter clothing to fit in and others go to the extent of unnecessary surgical operations to change their looks. All these things are done in the name of fashion so as to fit into the modern times.
However, for a child of God, do not be engrossed in those things that are destined to perish, but set yourself to those things that evolve to a glorious state.
Unlike your outward man which is your body that ages and dies eventually, your inward man, as the scripture says has the potential to be transformed, renewed and invigorated from glory to glory. Many people concentrate on the appearance of the outer man and they neglect the inward man. For this reason many live depressed lives as their inner man lacks the rejuvenation required for a joyful life.
As a child of God in Christ Jesus, your life ought to be interesting day by day, as scripture say the path of the just is as the shining light, that shins more and more unto the perfect day, pro 4:18. Your inward man is ever being renewed day by day to emerge stronger by the spirit of God (Eph 3:16) and wiser by the knowledge of Christ Jesus (Col. 3:10). Your inward man has been regenerated with the divine nature of the Christ-like abilities in you. Through the studying of the Word of God, your inward man identifies with these abilities. That is why it is important to study the Word and get to identify with your true nature in strength, Knowledge and wisdom that you may express what is already resident in your inward man.
In the Bible, scripture testifies that the man Caleb grew to the age of 85 years old and demanded from Joshua the promise God made him when he was just 40 years old. Caleb said “… and now, lo, I am this day fourscore and five years old. As yet I am as strong this day as I was in the day that Moses sent me: as my strength was then, even so is my strength now, for war, both to go out, and to come in. Now therefore give me this mountain …” (Joshua 14: 10-12). See how an 85 years old man had the courage and strength for war because he followed the Lord throughout his life and identified his strength in God when he said, “If the Lord delight in us then he will bring us into this land and give it us …” (Num 14:80).
Therefore, you too can give attention to the grooming of your inner man that you may identify these qualities. You will be stronger and efficient in what you do. Being a child of God, your inward man is created to conform to Christ Jesus by the knowledge you learnt about Him. The person of Christ is embedded within your inner man. The more you learn the Word of God, the more you identify with your spiritual nature in the inner man. That man in you longs to shine in your life. Don’t be governed by the outward man when you can reign with the inward man who is ever being renewed.
Dear Heavenly Father, I greatly thank You for Your Word. I pray that I am renewed daily in my inward man as I study Your Word. Give me an understanding heart to meet all my spiritual requirements. In Jesus name I pray. Amen.