For to be carnally minded is death; but to be spiritually minded is life and peace. Romans 8:6
Your Mind is important to you as a hard disk is to a computer. To be at your best, you need your mind to serve you well. You need a mind that remembers what is relevant to your wellbeing. You need a mind that is capable to solve situations to progress you to another level. As important as the mind is to your wellbeing, it can only serve you according to the input it has received.

As the opening scripture states, to be carnally minded is death, what we feed our minds can break us or make us. Our minds are important part of our being that we must take great precaution to feed them what is good for our live.
A carnal mind is one which takes its lead from sensual desires. It strives at all cost to meet the desires of the flesh. It is a mind-set that inclines to the views of the world. A carnal mind is developed by feeding the mind with uncensored worldly stuff that are filled with fear, hate, sin, immorality, disobedience, rebellion and all sensual flesh gratifying information. This kind of information destroys the hearer like a computer that receives a virus
On the contrary the spiritual mind is one which take its lead from God or the Word of God. As the name suggests, this mind is sensitive to spiritual matters. This mind is developed from listening and reading of the word of God. This is the mind of the children of God.
When we are born again in Christ Jesus, our spirit is recreated. Scripture testifies that we have received a spirit of power and of love and of a sound mind (2 Timothy 1:7). This recreated spirit in us, has a mind-set for peace, love, joy and all virtues that benefit our life. This spirit in us receives witness from the Holy Spirit that we are children of God (Rom 8:18). As children of God we have received the Mind of Christ (1Cor. 2:16)
The spirit we have received needs nurturing for it to function as God intended it. Like a new-born baby is born full of potentials, our spirit is loaded with divine abilities. We have a spirit that hears, reads and understands spiritual things. Nourish your spirit with the word of God. Take your spirit to the right environment and Fellowship with the brethren.
Groom you Mind with what you desire it to serve you with later. Don't feed your mind with a poor diet and expect it be at its best when you need it. Groom you mind with the incorruptible word of God which will prevail in all circumstances of life.
Dear Heavenly Father, I thank you for your word. Teach me your ways that I may live a righteous life. I pray I renew my mind according to your word. I receive a spiritual mind, which is based on the word of God. In Jesus name, I pray, amen.