“And ye are complete in him, which is the head of all principality and power:” (Col 2:10, KJV)
The Greek word used in the scripture for complete is "pléroó" - which means to render full; or to fill to the top: so that nothing shall be wanting or lacking, fill to the brim. So, what is it that can fill a man and make him never wanting again? What is a complete life? how does one determine they are complete?
Quite often life completeness is regarded by the level of material wealth a person possesses. Yet this is also relative from person to person. The greatest lie in the world is the notion that one is not complete until one gets the latest technology, or gets married, or gets a child. It is a cycle that always keeps us wanting to have that we may be complete. Too many people live life chasing a dream or something to satisfy their need for a complete life.
However, there is a "completeness" made available for us in Christ Jesus. A believer in Christ has been made complete in all things of life and godliness. By being in Christ the believer is filled with all things many are trying to have. For instance, the believer is filled with the Joy of the Lord. Christ said, "these things have I spoken to you, that my joy might remain in you, and that your joy might be full." John 15:11. A believer's joy does not stem from the material wealth he has, but from what Christ has supplied within Him. A believer does not love because of what he gets from another, but he loves because the love of God has been shed in his heart by the Holy Spirit.
In the opening scripture, by the virtual of being in Christ, the believer has all he needs without the aid of other factors. He is complete without the need for Jewish ceremonies, complete without the help of a philosopher, complete without the invention of superstitions, and complete without human merits.
So, don't walk as one lacking, you have everything within you. The completeness within a believer is cultivated by embracing the finished work of Christ. By accepting the benefits of the resurrection of Christ. His resurrection brought a new life to us. that new life is in us today. we must speak and believe those things that relate to the new life in the resurrected Christ.
I am the righteousness of God in Christ Jesus. I am justified in Christ. The love of God has been shed abroad in my heart. I have peace with God. Nothing by any means shall be able to separate me from the love of God in Christ Jesus. I am complete in all things relating to life and godliness. Thank you, Jesus. Amen