Telling what the Lord has done for you is a scriptural requirement to overcome the enemy and the trials of life...
...And they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb, and the word of their testimony; and they loved not their lives to death. Rev 12:11


Aug 19, 2017
Delivered from Spiritual Attacks
Kemberley, Liverpool UK & Santiago California USA
Words cannot explain what I feel when writing this testimony. I am so over whelmed with joy unspeakable that the least I could do is to tell my story for the benefit of others to get help as I did.
My names are Mrs. Kimberley, I was born in Zimbabwe and moved to UK where I lived with my late mother before she died. In recent years I have moved to the United states to live with my Husband in Santiago California USA.
However, I recently visited UK to catch up with the family I left in Liverpool UK. This was the beginning of my troubles.
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Aug 22, 2017
I Love The way they Pray
Solange, Liverpool UK
After a long time of search for a church I could relate to, I finally found Life Changers Empowering Centre. On my first day I felt a different welcome that I had not received elsewhere. it felt genuine and peaceful that my heart connected with the people right away.
For the time I have been attending this church I have loved the commitment to prayer. Wow. it impressed me to see the intercessory team with the pastor getting together to pray every evening fervently for the neighbourhood and area surrounding the church. I feel at home here and my faith is growing.

Aug 25, 2017
Delivered from Chronical Depression
Aliyah, Liverpool UK
People see me today and don't have a clue of what I have been through. if it wasn't for the Man of God who stood with me in prayer, I would have been dead. I want to thank God for leading me to Life Changers to meet Pastor Daniel Kavuma. My life had a great turn around when I came to Life Changers church.
Prior to attending this church, I was suffering from chronical depression. It drove me to the point of taking my life several times. My husband, who I love dearly, and with whom I have two wonderful boys hated me and denied me from seeing my boys. My life was miserable and was compounded with increased marital problems. I hated living. This went on for a while and a friend advised me to seek help from a church. I joined Life Changers Church and at the request of the pastor, I attended several counselling and prayer session, in which I was prayed. Today I am delivered, healed and Enjoying life with my two boys, thank be to God for leading me to Life Changers Church.
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